Meteo Agency staff suspend strike over poor conditions of service

The Public Services Workers Union of the Trades Union Congress, Ghana Meteorological Division has suspended its nationwide strike.

This comes after a meeting between the union, the Ministry of Communication, and management of the Ghana Meteorological Agency over concerns raised by the union.

In an interview with Citi News, the Chairman of the Divisional Union, Papa Nii Clegg said negotiations are however still ongoing.

“We have decided to suspend the strike because the Communications Ministry as well as our management have reached out to us and are in talks with us.”

“We are only hoping that there will be concrete outcomes so that we can completely call off the strike.”

The workers’ union at the Agency on Thursday, February 17, 2022, asked all its members nationwide to lay down their tools to demand better conditions of service.

It cited the non-payment of certain allowances and poor infrastructure, among others, as the reasons for its strike.

“When you go to the various stations, the structures are in deplorable conditions and very terrible,” Mr. Opoku stressed.

The Ghana Meteorological Agency is responsible for providing information on weather situations on a daily basis.

It also keeps a meteorological watch over the Flight Information Region (FIR) for the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority.

The weather information provided by the agency is also used in a number of sectors including agriculture, industry, civil engineering, forestry, management of dams, tourism, among others.


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