Upper West NPP executives threaten to boycott Akufo-Addo’s tour

The Upper West Regional Executive Committee of the governing New Patriotic Party(NPP) has threatened to boycott all activities of an impending visit of the president to the region, which is scheduled for Monday, 22 August 2022.

According to the committee, the boycott is in protest against a decision by the Upper West Regional Minister, Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih to exclude them from planning the visit of the president.

Information from the Upper Regional Coordinating Council and the Regional Secretariat of the NPP confirm that the president is scheduled to begin a three-day visit to the region starting on August 22.

The visit is to commission some completed government projects and inspect ongoing ones, as well as interact with chiefs and people of the region.

Ahead of the visit, the Upper West Regional Executive Committee of the NPP has vowed that the party will not have anything to do with the president’s visit due to the conduct of the regional minister.

The committee, which includes all the regional executives and constituency chairmen of the NPP, converged at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon to drum home their concerns.

The group further called on all members and sympathizers of the NPP to desist from taking part in any activity during the president’s visit.

At the time of filing this report, the regional minister said he was in a meeting and could not comment on the matter.

Source: citinewsroom.com

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