Remember us this Christmas – Appiate disaster victims appeal

As Ghanaians prepare for the upcoming Christmas festivities, the displaced victims of the Appiate explosive disaster have appealed for individuals and institutions not to forget them in their celebrations.

Speaking to Citi News from the Dumasi resettlement site which is now hosting 841 displaced persons, the Public Relations Officer of the Appiate Disaster Relief Committee, Thywill Quashie thanked the public for their help so far but however appealed to the public to remember to support the victims to have a feel of the Christmas season as they have lost all their belongings and food.

“We appreciate what you’ve been doing for us so far. The support since day one for the Appiate people is absolutely remarkable and we appreciate all of it for that. That aside, while you celebrate the Xmas, we would like to appeal to you that you will remember the people of Appiate most especially the widows, orphans by the explosion so that we can also plan or put some smiles on their faces. So while you celebrate, remember to do something to support the victims of Appiate this season”, he said.

A resident, Diana Assando, who lost her husband during the Appiate explosive disaster also had this Xmas appeal.

“I thank all Ghanaian leaders for their support on what happened to us people of Appiate. My husband died in the incident that happened to us and left behind me and my three children, but the support I received from our leaders was very good. I wish you all a merry Christmas and I am also pleading to them again to remember us in this festive season”, she said.

The Assembly Member for the people of Appiate, Thomas Yaw Enyan also speaking on behalf of the people added his voice to the call for the public to help put a smile on faces of the displaced.

“We will continue to appeal to Ghanaians that on this special occasion, once Ghanaians are enjoying their Christmas holidays, they will also consider the people of Appiate who are in need. We are still in need, we have nothing and so while people are enjoying, we would expect that something small will get to us so that we would also have a feel of the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ. We wish all Ghanaians a merry Christmas”, he pleaded.

Dr. Isaac Dasmaani, who is the MCE of Prestea Huni-Valley Municipality, said although a lot has been done already by all concerned citizens, the victims and displaced persons, making them feel a part of this Christmas would be helping to reduce their plight.

“Eleven months down the line, we have been able to cater for our victims and then the community, the children, the widows and then the widowers. We are appealing to Ghanaians that as the festivity is approaching, at least they should remember us the people of Appiate because at the end of the year, they are also going to celebrate the Christmas.”

“So I am appealing to Ghanaians in general. They have been supportive since the incident occurred. Ghanaians have been supportive and then providing all of the necessary needs for the people of Appiate. But as we are approaching the festivities, we are appealing to the people all over the country to come in and then support us, at least to also put some smiles on especially the widows and the orphans within the Appiate community coming this merry Christmas”, he called.

So far, the Appiate temporary site has a total of 841 people with 376 male and 465 females.


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