PAC refers 5 headmasters to EOCO for prosecution over alleged procurement breaches

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC), has referred five heads of educational institutions in the Western Region to the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) for prosecution over alleged procurement breaches.

According to the Chairman of the PAC, James Klutse Avedzi, those headmasters are fond of taking advantage of the system.

Mr. Klutse Avedzi explained that the motive for the recommendation that the suspected headmasters be prosecuted is to serve as a deterrent to others.

PAC refers 5 headmasters to EOCO for prosecution over alleged procurement breaches

“In the past, we have never referred officials or individuals for prosecution, so it looks like they are taking advantage of that, that it has become an annual ritual, we will only come, the chairman will caution and that will be the end.

“So we decided that now if you go against the law we will recommend you for prosecution. So you go to court and defend yourself and if the court thinks that your defense is sufficient or strong enough, they will set you free but if your defense is weak, then the court will apply the law to ensure that you face the punishment,” he said.

The schools whose headmasters are to be prosecuted by EOCO are; Methodist SHS, Tarkwa SHS, St. Augustine’s SHS, Bogoso SHS, and Adiembra SHS.

Meanwhile, a staff of Archbishop Porters SHS in Takoradi has also been referred to EOCO for allegedly receiving salaries unlawfully.

The PAC is currently holding hearings for eighteen Senior High Schools in the Western Region.


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