Ketu South: 8 Years controversial public toilet open to the public

Agenda 2024 , a social intervention developmental advocacy program, initiated by Fafaa 100.3 Fm, in collaboration with Duamenefa Foundation and Tanko Foundation has been yielding positive results within the Volta Region.

The people of Amefinukope in the Logove electoral area of Ketu South municipality of the Volta region will soon use the toilet constructed by the former member of parliament, Hon. Fifi Fiavi Koetey, the current general secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The facility which was commissioned in November, 2015 was built by the former MP from the MPs common fund but was left at the mercy of the weather.

Hon. William Adatsi, the former assembly man of the electoral area held unto the keys and refused to release the keys to the community for the use of the facility.

According to him, “I held unto the keys of the toilet and will not give it out because I was accused of stealing 50 bags of cement meant for the job”.

He further states that, until he is exonerated from the said accusations, he will not give out the keys”.

He claimed, the cements were cart away by the former MP, but he was mistakenly accused of stealing the cement.

The timely intervention of Fafaa FM’s AGENDA 2024, social intervention program has compelled the former assembly man to release the keys.

The 6 seater toilet (3 each for both sexes) is about to be open to the public.

Community Reporter Courage Edwin Amenuda

Togbi Nyaxordeakorla I

The Agenda 2024 is proudly sponsored by Hon Tanko Gabriel Kwamigah Tanko Atokple ( Togbi Nyaxordeakorla I )

Watch out for further development…………

Report by : Courage Edwin AmenudaFrom Amefinukope for
Fafaa FM 100.3