According to him, ninety percent of the OPB was dismantled by one Misak Limited without engaging with GNPC to formalise an agreement as directed by the Minister for Energy.
Speaking on the floor of parliament, he said, “From the interaction with the community, Chiefs, MCE, and police, it was discovered that Misak had already commenced the removal of some parts of the barge and other metals without proper recourse.
“The team, therefore, engaged the MCE and police and requested that further dismantling of part of the barge should be prevented until a disposal process is concluded in line with Public Procurement Authority guidelines for the disposal of goods.
GNPC subsequently wrote to the Ministry in May 2022 to inform it that immediate steps would be taken to decommission the Osagyefo Barge in accordance with Sections 83 and 84 “Disposal of Stores, Vehicles, Plant and Equipment” of The Public Procurement Act, Act 663 as Amended (Act 914).”
In line with the Public Procurement Authority guidelines as mentioned above, GNPC constituted a Board of Survey to physically inspect the barge and recommend the best disposal option.
He said the team observed that Misak Limited dismantled 90 per cent of the OPB without engagement with GNPC
“On 9th February 2023, the Board of Survey team visited the barge site and provided a status update in a report dated 28th March 2023. The team observed that about ninety percent (90%) of the OPB was dismantled. Through interaction with the local community, it is believed that Misak Limited carried out the dismantling of the barge without engaging GNPC to formalise an agreement as directed by the Minister of Energy.
“Consequently, the Ministry of Energy will prevail on GNPC to:
Continue with the steps as outlined in the Public Procurement Authority guidelines for the disposal of goods to establish the value of the scrap material; and Engage Misak Limited to formalise an agreement to share the revenue from the scrap material amongst GNPC, the Project Community and Misak,” the deputy minister added.
His response comes after the MP for Jomoro asked about the current state of the Osagyefo power barge at Affasu in the Jomoro Constituency.