‘Let’s be careful we don’t create a monster out of IGP’ – Muntaka

The Minority Chief Whip in Parliament, Mohammed-Mubarak Muntaka, has cautioned Ghanaians to be careful in showering praises on the Inspector General of Police, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare.

According to the Asawase MP, even though the newly appointed IGP appears to be delivering on his mandate, there’s the need for Ghanaians to be circumspect in praising him.

In his view, there’s a possibility of the widespread public commendations inadvertently resulting in the IGP becoming a monster.

‘.. I mean Dampare, oh good guy … let’s be careful we don’t create a monster out of him. Let’s be careful because you see, he has to make sure that he’s also working within the confines of the law’, the MP said.

Mr. Muntaka Mubarak said this when he appeared on ‘The Probe’ on the JoyNews channel, on Sunday, October 31, to discuss the 3rd meeting of the 8th Parliament.

Alhaji Muntaka’s assertion was based on recent arrests by the police, particularly alleged reports on an attempted arrest of the MP for Madina, Francis-Xavier Sosu, in church, on Sunday afternoon .

Mr. Francis-Xavier Sosu, who was embarking on a visitation of some churches in his constituency, was allegedly ambushed and surrounded by policemen waiting to arrest him.

The intended arrest was due to Mr. Sosu’s failure to report to the police, following an invitation concerning a demonstration he led in his constituency on Monday, October 25, 2021.

But according to Alhaji Muntaka, the earlier invitation by the police and the attempted arrest on Sunday, were all wrong moves, which should not have been contemplated in the first place.

Speaking to Emefa Apawu, he noted that, demonstrations are an integral part of a country’s democracy, and that if an MP is involved in one, the MP is in essence, conducting parliamentary business, for which reason that MP cannot be arrested.

Alhaji Muntaka therefore called for a clearer interpretation of articles 117 and 118 by the Supreme Court, to bring finality to the recent debate on circumstances under which a Member of Parliament can be arrested or not.

Source: myjoyonline.com

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