Kicking against National Cathedral budget, others laudable – Citizens’ Coalition to Parliament

The Citizens’ Coalition has commended Parliament for reallocating the GH¢80 million meant for the construction of the National Cathedral to the Roads and Highways and Communication Ministries.

The decision of the House to slash the allocation to the Contingency Vote by half among other cost-cutting measures in their approval of the 2023 Budget is one that the Coalition believes is worth applauding because it is against “insensitive planned spending.”

In a statement, it said “the actions of this Parliament are bold and long overdue steps in disciplining the use of public resources as the country heads into a period of austerity. It also reflects a positive outcome of the current ‘Hung Parliament’ that should be celebrated.”

Given the economic challenges that face the country, the Coalition urged Parliament to intensify its oversight activities including reenergizing the Committee on Government Assurances and empowering Standing and Sector Committees to maintain strict vigilance over the implementation of the Appropriation Act by the Executive.

The Coalition noted that as part of the cost-cutting measures, Parliament also defunded the Special Development Initiatives and Monitoring and Evaluation secretariats at the Office of the President.

“This response to some of the Coalition’s proposals on areas of expenditure that government can still cut down. We reiterate our call on government to look closely at the cost of running government and reduce it further.”

“Additional cuts should include reducing the total number of ministers and deputies to 60 as a first step and absorb and merge a number of secretariats set up to oversee flagship programs and let civil servants manage them in the relevant ministries and finally reshuffle the Ministerial Team including relieving the Finance Minister of his duties in order to refocus government on the challenging task of returning Ghana to the path of economic recovery”, the release read in parts.

The Citizens’ Coalition says it will tirelessly continue to amplify the concerns of Ghanaians and demand that government acts in a manner that does not only take us out of this economic mess but give citizens, particularly the young men and women of this nation hope for the future.

About Citizens’ Coalition

The Coalition for Democratic and Accountable Governance (Citizens’ Coalition) is a nonpartisan coalition/movement made up of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and individuals that harnesses democratic processes of mass education and mobilization to establish a culture of accountable and transparent governance that actively and consciously responds to the demands of citizens and promotes human rights, peace, constitutionalism and the national interest.


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