Delay in releasing capitation grants collapsing public basic schools – Dr. Apaak

The Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Dr. Clement Apaak is cautioning the government against the delay in the payment of the capitation grants to the various basic schools.

According to the legislator, the delay in releasing the money is gradually collapsing the public basic school system.

Speaking to Citi News, Dr. Clement Apaak said government must do the needful to avert the situation.

“This is a grant that the heads of basic schools use to procure basic supplies like chalk, registers, and to engage in basic fixtures like doors and windows. So when government fails to make this available, the heads of basic schools are compelled to either borrow monies to keep the schools running or to take some of these items and services on loans. In fact, this is collapsing the public basic school system and I think it’s most unfortunate. Government needs to do the needful,” the Member of Parliament for Builsa South stated.

The Executive Secretary of Africa Education Watch, Kofi Asare on Sunday, January 1, 2023, also called on the Ministry of Finance to release the funds in full to schools.

“l don’t see anything positive happening at the capitation grants in 2023, because if you look at the goods and services budget line of the Ministry of Finance where the capitation grant is actually financed, the reason why the grant is delaying is that the Ministry of Finance is not releasing the goods and services allocation to the Ghana Education Service and Ministry of Education,” the Executive Secretary of Africa Education Watch said.

He was sceptical about the improvement of the capitation grants, bemoaning the government’s decision to cut down on the grants.

“Last year 2022, GH¢2.92 million was allocated for basic education in terms of the goods and services, capitation grants and teacher learning resources, feeding grants to special schools, BECE subsidiary, but when the minister went to Parliament to read the 2023 budget, less than 19% had been disbursed. As of now, less than 20 percent has been disbursed.


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