‘We must not allow people to bamboozle us by reading parts of Constitution out of context’ – Zanetor Rawlings

Klottey Korley MP, Dr Zanetor Rawlings has challenged the youth to be courageous to stand for what is right and not be bamboozled into believing the wrong notions about democracy which his father and others fought for.

Speaking at the 40th anniversary commemorating the 31st December Revolution on Friday, she urged Ghanaians to be courageous in ensuring that there is justice, fairness and equity for all.

“We must not sit down and allow people to bamboozle us by reading parts of the Constitution out of context because they feel that is how they will get what they want,” she said.

“What is the essence of democracy, except to ensure that there is justice, that there is fairness, and that there is equity for all? Anybody who uses our Constitution to undermine this does not deserve to rule this nation,” she underscored.

She bemoaned attempts by some people embezzle state funds for their personal gains, adding that the country currently suffers a high level of corruption, intolerance and a breakdown in the structures that were to help grow Ghana’s economy and democracy.

“As a youthful population in this country, watching those who are older than us, who have had so many opportunities [to] squander away the wealth of this nation that we should inherit and build upon, is heartbreaking.”

“Let us guide ourselves. Winning an election in 2024 is not about waiting till the last minute, it starts today. Let us create awareness and let us remember it is only by showing courage in the times of adversity that we shall overcome,” Zanetor said.

“So if we stand here and we sing about how the revolution has come to stay, we must show that we have courage in our hearts to stand up because when you stand up for what is right, those who are in the wrong cannot overcome you.”

“So we must show courage, we must show bravery, and we must also honour those who have done some for us.”

The 31st December Revolution, which took place in 1981, terminated the 3rd Republican Constitution and ushered in the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC).

It was the second coming of Flt. Lt Jerry John Rawlings, who had staged an earlier coup on June 4, 1979, before handing over power.

Source: myjoyonline.com

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