Police on manhunt for boy who stabbed KNUST student to death

Police in the Ashanti Region are on a manhunt for a young man who allegedly stabbed a Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) student to death.

The deceased, Lambert Frimpong, was a 23-year-old second-year History and Politics student at KNUST.

He was reportedly stabbed multiple times during a disagreement with a friend at Kronum-Kwapra in the Suame Municipality of the Ashanti Region.

The incident occurred at about 10:30 pm on Saturday, August 5, 2023, and the deceased was pronounced dead when rushed to a nearby hospital.

On Sunday, the police invited some occupants of the house where the incident happened to assist in the investigation.

At the time of the incident, Lambert Frimpong was preparing to return to school to write his semester exams.

Narrating the incident to Citi News, the Assembly Member for Kronum-Kwapra, Pius Acheampong, said, “I was getting ready to go to church when one of my unit committee members called me to inform me of this killing. The deceased was a student at KNUST who was studying history and politics, and he was scheduled to write his exams today. I met the brother of the deceased, who told me the deceased informed the family he would be leaving for school on Sunday.”

“The brother said his friend left his key with him to take care of the place, so he went to the house and met another friend there. A lady in the house narrated that a quarrel ensued, and the suspect threatened to kill him. Later, he stabbed him multiple times with a knife when the argument became heated. The police have invited the tenants who witnessed the incident. They are looking for the suspect.”

The body has since been deposited at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital morgue.

Source: citinewsroom.com