The largest “under 17” Regional tournament of the Volta Region has been launched on Fafaa 100.3 FM. One hundred-Twenty-six (126) football teams, comprising clubs from the central and southern part of the Volta Region, registered to compete in what is considered by sports pundits as the largest under 17 ever in the history of footballing.

Code named, “Duamenefa Regional Tournament” it’s an initiative of a private commercial radio station, Fafaa 100.3 Fm, Dzodze in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region with its associate Non Governmental Organization dubbed, Duamenefa Foundation. “Duamenefa” means, let us coexist in peace. The name is derived from a social intervention program of the Duamenefa NGO.

The annual tournament is proudly sponsored by Hon. Gabriel Kwamigah Tanko Atokple, a business man and an entrepreneur who offered his time, talent and treasures to partner with Fafaa FM’s Duamenefa Regional Tournament for development of youth and sports in the Volta Region.

Hon.Tanko Gabriel Kwamigah Atokple, Headline Sponsor

During the media launch on Fafaa 100.3 Fm, Mr. Atokple, reiterated his commitment to promote the youth of the Volta Region in all spheres of endeavour. Hon.Tanko delivered a brand new pickup truck to aid the movement of the match officials. He also promised to donate a saloon car to the Duamenefa Foundation before the commencement of the tournament on the 1st day of July, 2023. Hon. Kwamigah, the headline sponsor has single handedly championed 50% cost of the total budget of Ghc 250,000.00 earmarked for the tournament. Mr. Tanko prayed he could possibly foot the remaining 50% if God permits. Hon. Tanko Atokple is an aspiring MP of Ketu North Municipality on the ticket as an independent candidate

During the media launching, Mr. Pedro Macieirinha, a FIFA lawyer and an official scout of the tournament described this year’s registered players as the largest ever in the history of football. Mr. Pedro, who was in Ghana during the 2022 edition of the tournament has assured listeners and the good people of the Volta Region that he will avail himself again this year to scout for talents.

Pedro Macieiriha, FIFA Lawyer and scout

Mr. Pedro was overwhelmed with the large number of registered teams and agreed with the host that this is a world breaking record which should be captured in the Guineas Books of record.

Mr. Tunde Adelakun, the Chairman of CAF Hall of Fame and President of Soccer Players Scouting Association resident in England commended the efforts of the organizers of the tournament, Mr. Adelakun who was responding to questions during the interview on Fafaa FM, also claimed, this is the first time in the history of footballing where 126 football teams registered to play in a singular tournament. He called on the players to demonstrate skillful talent which would qualify them for selection. According to him, gone are the days when football could be played as “kick and run after the ball”, but today, the game has changed dramatically, it’s about skills and demonstrations of talent. Mr. Tunde promised he would be coming to scout for players .

Mr. Tunde Adelakun, Chairman of CAF Hall of Fame and President of Soccer Players Scouting Association

The next to speak was the Regional Director of National Sports Authority, Mr. Daniel Sarpei , Mr. Sarpei was an eye witness to the 2022 edition of the tournament. He lauded the professionalism of the technocrats of the tournament and expresses his confidence in their processes and procedures . Although it is on record that the Duamenefa Regional Tournament has registered 104 football teams during its 2019 edition, this year’s number has far outweighed all previous events and could be considered the first of its kind in the annals of footballing. He encouraged the team managers to inculcate the habit of discipline in the life of the players. According to him, discipline is the hallmark and excellence of good players. Mr. Sarpei pledges the continual support of the National Sports Authority to the Duamenefa Regional Tournament.

Mr. Douglas Sarpei, The Regional Director of Sports, National Sports Authority

Hon. Anthony Avorgbedor the Municipal Chief Executive of Ketu North, historically was the first to kick the ball during the launching of the maiden edition in 2017. The MCE expressed gratitude to God almighty for leading the tournament this far. Hon. Avorgbedor says he foresees a very bright future where this tournament would be played at the National level.

Hon. Anthony Avorgbedor – Municipal Chief Executive Officer

Togbiga Dzoku V, the paramount chief of Dzodze also used the occasion to admonished the players, their coaches and the team managers to perform to the admiration of foreign scouts who will be travelling from different parts of the world to Dzodze to scout for talented players.

Paramount Chief, Dzodze, Torgbuiga Dzoku V speaks to the people

“I was there in 2022, we have scouted for players, one of them by the name Japhet, a goal keeper is doing very well. We would be there this year again to scout for players, prepare Akple and Fetridetsi for me on arrival.”  These were the words of the Executive President and Founder of Bechem United, Mr. Kingsley Owusu Achiau, when interviewed on Fafaa 100.3 FM during the media launch. Mr. Owusu praised the organizers and the sponsor, Mr. Tanko Gabriel Atokple of this historically instituted event in the interest of sports development in the Volta Region and beyond. He also commend Mr. Patrick Amazing Doamekpor, the Director of Sports of the Duamenefa Regional Tournament who once worked with him, for his meritorious service in this regards.

Mr. Kingsley Owusu Achau, Executive President and Founder of Bechem United

The Executive President of the Duamenefa Foundation and CEO of Fafaa FM, Mr. Emmanuel Ketaman Evortepe, assured the aforementioned stakeholders interviewed during the media launching of the tournament and the general public to be rest assured that their primary objective to unearth the hidden talent embedded in the youth and to promote same is being realized annually.

According to the CEO, since the inception of the tournament seven years ago, the desire results have been encouraging. He used the occasion to commend the efforts of the central and local organizing committees, under the able leadership of Mr. Patrick Amazing Doamekpor, the referees association of Ghana, the Ghana Football Association, the Ghana Police Service, over 32,645 registered and certified volunteers of the Duamenefa Foundation and the general public for their continuous support.

The 2023 edition is bid to kick start on the 1st day of July, 2023 till October 2023.

Watch out for further development. ……….

Source: / News editor in chief

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