KETU SOUTH : Under Security threat through Illicit Drug Trading Across the Atlantic Ocean

“I brought business for us to chop, commander told me when Fafaa FM called him over the matter, if I am arrested I will mention all of you”

These were the words of Mr. Rasheed, the alleged drug dealer who engages the services of senior police officers within the Ketu South Security Council to carry on with his illegal activities.

The voice note was hijacked from a police officer under mysterious circumstances to save Ketu South from disintegration by drug traders

The operation was carried by members of the Duamenefa Foundation of Fafaa 100.3 FM, a social intervention movement made up of over 37,000 volunteers, scattered across several communities in the Volta Region and beyond.

The mandate of its volunteers, among others, is to collaborate with lawful agencies to investigate and save the nation and the vulnerable from various infractions, ranging from spiritual and socio political issues.

It would be recalled on the 10th day of August, 2023, that five police officers of the Ketu South division were spotted by members of the Duamenefa movement between the hours of 2:30am to 5:00am supervising the loading of substances suspected to be cannabis enroute by the Atlantic ocean to Nigeria.

The operation took place at Amutinu beach.

Four of the officers namely, Insp. Foster Ahianyevi, Sgt. Seth Akpalu, Corporal Kerry Gabienu, Corporal Victor Atanda, were the first to arrive at the spot.

The undercover team laid ambush watching the development. In about 30 minutes, another vehicle comprising two police officers Sgt. Paul Addo and Lance Corporal Sipitey Mawuli arrived while, a third police officer by the name Lance Corporal Francis Atatsi who rides on a motorcycle also arrived.

These three police officers attempted to arrest the suspect dealer in the presence of the first four officers who were allegedly dispatched by their commander to protect the dealer.

“You cannot arrest this load, you are too small, I have paid senior police officers for these drugs.” These were the words of the narcotic drug dealer, Mr. Rasheed to the three police officers who attempted to arrest the suspect at about 2:45 am. The undercover team heard the ranting of the suspected dealer.

The two officers, Sgt. Addo and Lance Corporal Sipitey had no choice than to retreat.

They left behind the motorcyclist officer Lance Corporal Atatsi.

Fafaa 100.3 FM’s Duamenefa Foundation intervention crew under the leadership of its Executive President, Mr. Evortepe blew the story and petitioned the Municipal Security Council under the leadership of Hon. Maxwell Kofi Lugudor.

It took the Ketu South Security Council 125 days, (four months and five days) for the police to come out with a letter suggesting they have concluded their investigations.

In a letter dated 13th December, 2023, addressed to the Executive President of the Duamenefa Foundation and CEO of Fafaa FM, Mr. Emmanuel Ketaman Evortepe, signed by Chief Superintendent Sarpong Obrako Bempah, part of which states as follows:

Investigation into your petition has been concluded, the personalities involved are serving police officers and civilians. Accordingly, a duplicate docket would be forwarded to attorney general for study and advice.

The concern citizens of Ketu South who spoke to Fafaa FM on this subject matter felt the Ketu South Security Council has failed in the discharge of their responsibilities.

They claimed that the police officers involved are still in uniform doing the bidding of their superior officers.

They further claimed that the illicit trade is still ongoing in Ketu South on specific days of the week, but who would they report the matter to?

The undercover team of Fafaa FM’s Duamenefa movement equally felt disappointed by the nonchalant approach of the security council to this security threat news item, whereas, the Municipal Chief Executive who double as the Chairman of the Municipal Security Council of Ketu South, Hon. Lugudor Kofi Maxwell, his BNI, National Security, and the Narcotic Control were duly served with copies of the petition and its concomitant investigation and findings, past 127, as at the time of this publication.

Is Ketu South safe?

Watch out for further development……….

SOURCE: / news editor in chief