Gov’t will complete abandoned road projects – Ho MCE assures

Residents and farmers in some remote communities in the Ho Municipality will in a few months heave a sigh of relief with some road contractors’ return to some sites to complete some abandoned road projects.

Some of the projects which were awarded during the erstwhile Mahama administration, stalled after contractors left the sites due to non-payment for work done.

But some are now back on site to complete the road projects after funds were made available to them.

Speaking to the media during a tour of some of the road projects, the Ho Municipal Chief Executive, Divine Borson says the government is committed to completing and handing over the road projects which have been stalled.

According to him, most roads in the municipality have been awarded but contractors have since not been on site.

He said there have been difficulties tracing some of the contractors as most were not awarded by the Assembly.

Mr Divine Borson noted that some contracts will be terminated and re-awarded but pleaded for funds to enable all contractors to be back and complete the projects.

Speaking to Citi News, the Municipal Engineer, Edward Anyam said, the non-payment of funds was the major factor that delayed the execution of the projects.

He assured the residents that the projects would be completed by the end of the year as the contractor is back at the site.


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