BOTECH students in fear of exams failure after school closure

Final year students of the Bolgatanga Technical Institute (BOTECH) say the closure of the school will affect their performance in the ongoing Technical and Vocational Education Training Examination.

The Upper East Regional Security Council on Tuesday shut down the school following a riot by the students that resulted in the destruction of school property and vehicles of teachers.

The students were demanding to see their teachers and colleagues, who had been picked up by officers from the National Intelligence Bureau for engaging in examination malpractices.

The students while demanding to see the arrested persons vandalized school properties including seven vehicles.

The Regional Security council directed the students only to report to the school to write their papers and leave when they were done.

Some students speaking to Citi News said they were left stranded last night as they had nowhere to sleep.

“I can say, I am zero percent prepared because of what happened yesterday. I was unable to sleep because I didn’t have anywhere to sleep, and when it happens like that, how are you able to learn?”

Another said, “I am hungry, and how can you learn when you are hungry? I am leaving everything to God. I know God will help me, I don’t know what I will do now, but I know I will pass. I am also from Salaga and there is no place for me to sleep, so I am just hanging around, so I am unable to learn.”

The students are thus appealing to the Upper East Regional Security Council (REGSEC) to review its directive.

REGSEC shut down the Bolgatanga and Bawku Technical Institutes on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, following students’ riot.

The students will only be permitted to write their Technical and Vocational Education and Training Examination from home.

The female students of BOTECH, say, REGSEC’s decision will worsen their vulnerability and possible exploitation by men to survive until the end of the examination, hence their call for a review.

Only final year students are allowed to report to their schools to write the examination and immediately leave the school’s premises after the end of the paper.

On Wednesday morning, final year students of BOTECH were thoroughly searched and exams halls changed before writing an Integrated Science paper in order to reduce examination malpractice.

But a few minutes into the paper, some foreign materials were taken from some students.

However, at the end of the paper, students commended invigilators for their professionalism.


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