Avoid ‘lies, bootlicking, sycophancy, hypocrisy’ to help NDC win 2024 – Bagbin to youth

A delegation from the Tertiary Education and Institutions Network (TEIN) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Thursday called on the Speaker of Parliament, Mr lban S.K. Bagbin, in Parliament.

The delegation, led by TEIN Coordinators, discussed issues that concern the biggest opposition party, including championing the vision of the founder, the late President Jerry John Rawlings.

The discussion also veered into the future of the youth of the party and the challenges that confront the development of the Ghanaian youth.

The Speaker, who received the delegation, charged TEIN members to unite, be committed, and refrain from destructive tendencies in order to secure a one-touch victory for the party in 2024.

“The youth in NDC should avoid politics of lies, bootlicking, sycophancy, and hypocrisy,” he admonished the delegation.

He advised the youth to “add value” to themselves in order for them to be offered better positions, which, in effect, would mean “growth and development” for the youth.

The Speaker took the opportunity to share his experience as a Member of Parliament, Minority Leader, Majority Leader, Second Deputy Speaker, and now Speaker of Parliament to inspire the delegation.

He assured TEIN members of his support and asked them to rally behind their National Youth Organiser, Mr Opare Addo, who was already doing well to help better the fortunes of the party.


Source: https://www.classfmonline.com/

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