Akufo-Addo begging the West to convince IMF to approve $3bn bailout for Ghana – Mahama

Former president John Dramani Mahama has accused President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of secretly begging the west to prevail on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to approve a bailout for Ghana’s staggering economy despite his call on African leaders to desist from begging the west for aid.

According to Mr Mahama, in the last couple of days, the president has been begging western leaders through telephone conversations to prevail on the IMF’s board and management to approve a bailout for Ghana after the signing of the Staff-Level Agreement (SLA) in Accra.

“This same president is out there begging western leaders to talk to the IMF’s leadership to approve a deal for the country’s struggling economy”, he said.

The former president made this revelation when he delivered a statement at the National Democratic Congress’ 10th National Delegates’ Congress to elect national officers to steer the affairs of the party held at the Accra Sports Stadium on Saturday December 17, 2022.

As part of his address, M Mahama also said he wants the NDC to win the next election by merit and not default as, in his view, the NPP has failed.

“Ghanaians are looking up to us not to become the next government by default as a result of the failure of this administration, Ghanaians are looking up to us to be the choice because we are a better alternative.

“We must not win by default of the lapses of this administration, but we must win because we are the better alternative to govern this country,” Mr Mahama noted.

He said the NDC in government will not repeat the mistakes of the NPP.

“I’ve heard many people say that when we win power we must do exactly as the NPP are doing but I dare say there’s no use fighting for political power… we must be the government of infrastructure, the NDC must be the government that protects human rights, the NDC must be the government of economic prosperity and growth, the NDC must be the government of modesty and humility, the NDC must be the government that fights corruption and the dissipation of public funds, the NDC must be the government of prudence and accountability.”

He stated that the NDC is ready to be the alternative government come 2025.

Source: ghanaweb.com

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