It was a horrific scene when one Kwabla Klutsey, a group member of Agbozume market arena hoodlums, was allegedly stabbed to death by one Remember Kanya, another member of the same group in a fight over Ghc 30.00. Remember is now on the run.

According to Mr. Sodokou Klutsey, the father of the deceased, his son was held handy by one of the team members (now arrested by the police) while he was butchered by his other colleague, now on the run. The father claimed he had adviced his son Korbla, time without number, to stop following the hoodlums, but the son did not heed to his counsel.

Agbozume market in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta Region has become a beehive of hoodlums who claimed they have the powers of certain chiefs and the lawful agencies in their pocket hence they can behave anyhow against the vulnerable of the society.

It would be recalled in an online-publications of Fafaa Fm dated 1st day of March, 2022 and captioned, “TRADITIONAL CHIEF ALLEGEDLY SENT MACHETE WIELDING HOODLUMS TO DISRUPT REGISTRATION”. In the said publication these same group of youths led by one Papaa Atoklo claimed he was allegedly instructed by one Togbi Adama and Togbi Attiane, to contract their group of hoodlums to throw rocks to disrupt the registration activities of the Duamenefa Foundation, because they were not informed, even though the Foundation was duly invited by Togbi Agboka IV, the traditional ruler, his assembly member, Hon. Godson Ahiamadzi and their unit committee members.

On the said date, Papaa Atoklo wielded machete in an attempt to butcher the officials of the Duamenefa Foundation of Fafaa FM. It took the intervention of the Agbozume police to fire a warning shot to disperse the hoodlums.

Although the officials of the Foundation and the Assembly Member duly reported the crime to the police on the same date, the police failed to act to facilitate prosecution of the case till today.

The hoodlums claimed their contractors have the police force of Ketu South in their pocket hence nothing would be done in respect of prosecution of the case. The Duamenefa Foundation of Fafaa 100.3 FM is peaceably waiting on the police for the past 8 months.

Papaa Atoklo

Papaa’s shoes left behind as he ran away after his attack

In another development, these same hoodlums recently attempted to disrupt the commissioning ceremony of the Ghana Gas Company in the Agbozume market. They burnt tires in vantage points of the market and were chanting war songs threatening fire and brimstone. Papaa Atoklo and his cohorts again claimed that they were contracted by the same Togbi Adamah and his group to disrupt the activities of the Ghana Gas Company because they did not inform Adamah of the intended commissioning ceremony.

Hon Nenem Abraham present during Ghana Gas Company commissioning.

It took the timely intervention of the Divisional Commander, ACP Daniel Dzaka to move a team of police officers to curtail the activities of the hoodlums, before the commissioning activities took place.

Most people interviewed by Fafaa 100.3 FM, expressed worry over the activities of the hoodlums against all odds. They are becoming depressed and distressed when they keep alleging that they have the chiefs and the lawful agencies behind them, hence anytime they are arrested, they spend less minutes in the police station, they normally come back to join their group

The people expressed concern over the unfortunate stabbing to death of Mr. Klutsey Kwabla and called on their alleged contractors and the lawful agencies to take the necessary action needed to curtail the activities of this group, because the king whose subjects are too scared to tell him his robe has touched night soil will be booed by houseflies in public.

Watch out for further development…..

Source: / news editor in chief

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