Dreams they say can come to reality as the long awaited dreams of the chiefdom at Penyi, Some and Klikor of becoming a Traditional Council has seen the light of the day.

The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affair on Wednesday the November 9, 2022 made the dreams of the aforementioned Traditional Areas reality as Penyi Tradition Area, Some Traditional Area and Klikor Traditional Area have been lifted to the level of Traditional Councils.

Lead by Mr. Harry Attippoe, the registrar at the Volta Regional House of Chiefs, the Ministry of Religious and Chieftaincy Affair has inaugurated Traditional Council at the aforementioned Traditional Areas according to the Section 12(1) of the Chieftaincy Act (2008) which calls for the institution of a Traditional Council at each Traditional Area.

The Act stated that there shall be a Traditional Council at each Traditional Area.

Amid drumming and singing, the three new traditional councils poured their joy and thanked the ancestors for making them witness the historic day that they have all being waiting for.

Registered chiefs at Penyi, Some and Klikor were lead to take various types of oaths including oath of membership, judicial oath and oath of secrecy prior to the inauguration of the various Traditional Councils.

The likes of Torgbuiga Addo VIII, Paramount Chief of Klikor were made to take the oath of office only since they were already part of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs.

Inauguration of the Penyi Traditional Council

At Penyi Traditional Area, Torgbuiga Dadzi V, the Paramount Chief of Penyi Traditional Area and Torgbui Ekle II were sworn in as members of the new Penyi Traditional Council after they were both taken through the oath of membership, judicial oath and oath of secrecy. Though Penyi harbors a great number of chiefs, only the two were the registered chiefs or gazetted by the laws of the land hence their inauguration.

The joy of Torgbuiga Dadzi V, paramount chief of Penyi Traditional Area, knows no bound. According to him, they never thought this historic day would ever come. “We never thought this day could come to us because for many years, nothing like this had ever happened to the Penyi Township. Having been installed just last year and gazetted subsequently, we know we shall have the privilege to have a Council, but we are not thinking it now. But to God be the glory, today we are here witnessing this day and Penyi is experiencing the inauguration of Penyi Traditional Council.”

Torgbuiga Dadzi V vowed to manage the resources and financial affairs of the council together with his able sub-chiefs to preserve and protect the name to merit the status. He promised to work assiduously ensuring unity and peaceful coexistence among all chiefs and their subjects within the council and to fight strongly for development which he said he has started since his installation.

According to Torgbuiga, Torgbui Ashonmor, Torgbui Awashiami, Torgbui Shikabli and Torgbui Dadzi the first to the fourth all laid the foundation on which they are willing to build a strong council since their new status is a call for them to duty, a call for them to put their energy, strength, knowledge and resources to proper use to build a strong and resilient council.

Mr. Attippoe then urged the remaining chiefs within Penyi, who are not registered or gazetted, to worry not, according to him, the names of those chiefs and queen mothers will be registered immediately their names have been submitted by the paramount chief, Torgbuiga Dadzi V.

Inauguration of Some Traditional Council  

Within the Some Traditional Area, things were a little bit different as the Paramount Chief of the Area, Torgbuiga Adamah III is not a registered chief and hence cannot be part of the historic event that recognized someone as a chief of a Traditional Council.

According to the section 57(5) of the Chieftaincy Act (2008), “A person shall not be considered to be a chief for the performance of a function under this Act or any other enactment unless that person has been registered for the performance of that function in the National Register Act 2 and that person’s name has been published in the Chieftaincy Bulletin, indicating that Torgbuiga Adamah cannot carry himself as Chief of Some Traditional Council unless gazetted by the laws of the country hence his exclusion from the historic event.

Torgbui Akpa IV, Torgbui Sewor IV, Torgbui Atiane IV, Torgbui Atsu Awuaba IV, Torgbui Zotorglo Agbo IV, Torgbui Dikenu II, Torgbui Baku IV, Torgbui Gbenyo VII, Torgbui Agbeshie Sewu II, Torgbui Atsu Gledza II, Torgbui Tsrifo IV, Mama Nugbemado II, Mama Anyuia II, Mama Egbo Sewor II and Mama Agbetsi Zewu II were the chiefs sworn in as members of Some Traditional Council.

“Torgbuiwo and members of the Some Traditional Council, on this note, by the power vested in me, by Hon. Ebenezer Kojo-Kum, Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, I, Fati Lilly Suale, Ag. Chief Director of the ministry, duly inaugurate Some Traditional Council. I wish you Torgbuiwo and Mamawo all the best and pray you will always remain united” Fati Lilly Suale.

Inauguration of Klikor Traditional Council


Torgbi Addo VIII, Paramount Chief Klikor Traditional Area, Torgbi Akpalu Agbali II, Torgbi Nyatakpo Saba III, Torgbi Amani II, Torgbi Gogowu II, Torgbi Aglah II, Torgbi Messeh II, Torgbi Afadi III, Torgbi Damatsa IV, Torgbi Atsiwoto II, Torgbi Akaglah II, Torgbi Hogbe II, Torgbi Gatsi V, Torgbi Satsimadza Afadi III, Mama Hodzige II, Mama Hlayi II, Torgbi Akpabli Nemi III, Torgbi Korkujah Tamakloe II, Torgbi Adzevi II, Torgbi Agbaka II, Torgbi Atsu Nuteme III, Torgbi Tsigbe II, Torgbi Lodonu II, Mama Alorwonuebu II, Torgbi Amemador II

Below is the address delivered by Torgbuiga Addo VIII, Paramount chief of Klikor Traditional Area.



Hon. Representative of the Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs Ms. FATI LILLY SUALE Acting Chief Director of the ministry, the Registrar of the Volta Regional House of chiefs and other Officers of the Secretariat, Hon. Assembly members, present Traditional Leaders, invited guests, ladies and gentlemen. It affords me great pleasure to speak to you this afternoon to welcome you most cordially at the official inaugurating of the Klikor Traditional Council. This is an historic event that raises our status from Traditional Authority to Council Status. This event is the culmination of an enormous collective effort that began in late 1945.

The state of Klikor was first established by our fore fathers Fuiga for Avenor, Tsatsu Awanyedor for Weta, Tsidi for Klefe and Akorli Akaga for Klikor. May their souls rest in peace. I should like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Klikor Traditional Leaders, Members of the Regional House of Chiefs, the minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs and his team, The Honorable representative of the Minister- Ms. Fati Lilly Suale and all guests here to witness this historic occasion. I am personally glad to be a witness to this long awaited event that symbolizes our independence. Our Independence should be based on the transcendental roles of every chief and queen mother towards a fundamental role for the future of Klikor, then individual agendas.

Distinguished visitors let me express in the name of chiefs and people of Klikor our most sincere gratitude for granting us this opportunity.

I pray that God Almighty grant my chiefs and queen mothers the courage and power to apply their knowledge in the duties applicable.

Hon Representative of the Minister of Chieftaincy and religious

Affairs. All invited guests, traditional leaders, ladies and gentlemen, once again, I say you are dearly welcome and thank you so much.




In the past, the roll of chiefs was devoted to leading their people to war to defend, protect and to extend their territories but in the absence of war, the roll require of a 21st chiefs is to lead war against environmental degradation, poverty reduction and the like.

Indeed it was a historic day which will linger on in the memory of generations.

By: Josephine Fafali Bobobee

Source: fafaafmonline.com / 

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