100 medical students from Ukraine awaiting results for placement into Ghana schools

One hundred Ghanaian medical students trained in Ukraine are still awaiting results verification and placement into Ghanaian medical schools.

This revelation comes after Dr. Anthony Nsiah- Asare, the chairman of the inter-ministerial committee put together to come out with modalities to integrate the students into Ghanaian medical schools, disclosed that about 100 out of the initial 187 students had been placed into Ghanaian medical schools.

Dr. Nsiah-Asare said the committee has successfully completed its work and would soon submit a report to the Ministry of Education.

But speaking to Citi News, the president of the Ukrainian branch of NUGS, Philip Bobbie Ansah says they are yet to see the placements done by the committee.

“100 medical students in Ukraine have been placed in medical school now, but we are yet to see the placement and results. The statement was made by the Medical and Dental Council, but the students are yet to see the assessment so we are looking for the date that they will release the results because they are awaiting the Ministry of Health.”

The Medical and Dental Council of Ghana believes criticisms of its decision not to recognize degree certificates issued by Medical and Dental Schools in Ukraine are unjustified.

The council’s Registrar, Dr. Divine Ndonbi Banyubala, suggested that his outfit was deserving of praise for being proactive and “acting in our collective interest.”

“We are set up exactly to do that; to make sure substandard practitioners, do not come and become licensed murderers,” Dr. Banyubala said.

The council’s decision is because some schools in Ukraine have resorted to studying online following the Russian invasion.

But Ghanaian students studying Medicine and Dentistry in Ukraine have decried the decision by the Ghana Medical and Dental Council not to recognise their certificates.

Speaking to Citi News, an Executive Member of the National Union of Ghana Students in Ukraine, Henry Brook Smith said the move is not in the best interest of Ghanaian students studying in Ukraine.

“Ukraine is currently running an offline mode. The online is being organised for those who can’t make it to Ukraine due to the invasion. Our concern is that, this decision has been taken without recourse to the effects on parents and students.”

Source: citinewsroom.com

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