ECG hasn’t disconnected our power; we run on prepaid metres – Energy Ministry’s Communications Specialist

The Energy Ministry has disputed reports that it suffered a disconnection exercise from its agency, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) over unpaid electricity bills last Tuesday.

The Ministry describes the report as wrong as the facility runs on prepaid meters.

The Communications Specialist at the Ministry, Kofi Abrefa Afena, disputed that they have been disconnected from the grid.

“The Ministry only had prepaid payment challenges and, therefore, called the ECG to intervene,” he said.

He added “The Energy Ministry as the supervising agency of the ECG will support ECG in recovering all its money from energy sold to consumers.

“The Ministry will lead by example in paying for its energy consumed”

The Ministry urges all and sundry to pay for their energy consumed to enable ECG and NEDCo to provide essential services to consumers.

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